Sunday, December 23, 2012

December 9

Off we went for our annual tree-cutting excursion to Sussex county. We found a tree quickly, which was good because it was a rainy cold afternoon.

December 8

Max and Ruby. I long for the days when there are no longer children in the house who want to watch this.

December 7

The trains have come out again. Lenna's getting pretty good at putting a track together.

December 6

Ah, yes, homework time in the Machado house.

December 5

Susie got this monkey hat for Maggie at the school Holiday Gift Shoppe.

December 4

Look! It's a doll head stuck to the Skatch!

December 3

I'm really  not sure what is going on here!

December 2

Susie and Becky decided to be dogs for the afternoon.

Friday, December 21, 2012

December 1

There's a family of swans at Packanack Lake this year. They clearly thought I had food for them.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012